Radeon HD 6770 frame rate poblem in BF 3

August 4th, 2013

hi guys i have core 2 duo 2.93 E7500 with 3 GB DDR 2 ram and a SVGA card readon hd 6770 1 gb ddr 5 but in battle field 3 i got only 22 to 27 frames can u tell me is it a card poblem or i need to replace processor with the better one
Answer #1
CPU is fair good, try to see if you can overclock it any bit higher at least 3,2 or 3,4 Ghz. If you could get another gigabyte on ram and probably switch to 64bit Operating System, it would be even better!
as for the graphics card, it’s not a great card to run bf3 on, I mean it’s not high-end but not low-end either, try getting 12.1 drivers and maybe overclocking the memory by the CCC Panel and see
Also, what settings are you running BF3 on? Try lowering everything and once playing, open up the command (by using “~” while ingame) and type: “WorldRender.DxDefferedCsPathEnable 0” (Doesn’t matter if you type it with caps or not) it will give you a boost of 5-15FPS, depending on your graphics card.
Once you tried anything or even the command on BF3, tell me about the FPS
Answer #2
Do you monitor your CPU usage while playing? If its pegged at 100%, you need a new CPU.
You can monitor your GPU usage as well during game play with apps like GPU-Z.
Answer #3
I wouldn’t really play that game with that video card.
I’m having great results with:
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
8GB of DDR 3 1333Mhz
HIS 6870 IceQ X x2
With that I’m getting 90 FPS on 1920×1080, everything maxed out.
With your parts, you can only run with fairly low settings.
If you want good frame rates with allot of the settings on, a single video card won’t do that well, especially if the video card is a mere entry level card.
See benchmarks.
Answer #4

try #1 above


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