Can someone translate this for me

January 21st, 2020

Hi guys,
Iv downloaded a software, Bosch ESITronic 2009, iv only extracted the first disc so far, and it has instructions with it, but they are in a different language. 1. Dupa instalare si acceseaza meniul Settings / Release / Request
2. Se completeaza datele necesare (Nume, Adresa, etc.) .... continuati si alegeti activare prin FAX si iar continuati
3. Apare o fereastra cu codul de activare si numarul de client
4. Deschideti keygen-ul si copiati numarul ID din program in keygen, fara punctele dintre carctere
5. Lasati setarile din keygen la 278 de zile si generati cheia de activare
6. Copiati cheia de activare si o puneti in program la Settings / Release / Execute
7. Dati OK si o sa va anunte noile optiuni active din aplicatie
8. Nu uitati sa copiati fisierul "Esi2.exe" peste cel deja instalat inplicit in C:\Programme\Bosch\ESItronic\
9. Bafta

Can someone please translate this for me?
thanks in advance.

Answer #1
This is what Google Translate got:
1. After installation and access the Settings menu / Release / Request
2. It completes the necessary data (name, address, etc.). …. continue and choose activation by fax and continue
3. A window appears with the activation code and the number of customer
4. Open the keygen and copy your ID number from the keygen program, without points of characters
5. Leave the settings in the 278-day keygen and generate activation key
6. Copy the activation key and put in a program to Settings / Release / Execute
7. Click OK and to announce a new active application options
8. Do not forget to copy the file “Esi2.exe” over the inplicit already installed in C: \ Program \ Bosch \ ESItronic \
9. Bafta
Answer #2
thanks mate, dont know why google didnt enter my head
Answer #3
Glad I could be of help


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