Building PC
January 22nd, 2020
The only skills you need are common sense, the ability to read part manuals, and doing research. You need to get parts that are compatible with each other like the motherboard and video card.Try to not spend all your money on one specific part because you need money for other parts of the computer. Use a list of necessary computer parts like these:
From what you say it’s pretty easy just follow the instructions… But can you help me with compatible parts. Where can I see which parts are compatible with what other parts? Can you give me a good example for the price I’m willing to give. (500�)
Most simple question, does she need it for work or fun. If fun the what fun music/movies or games. Answer and then we will think.
So, you want to build your own computer? Good choice. It will be much cheaper than buying one.
Here’s a great tutorial on how to build one and it tells you everything you need. I even used it to build mine.
Read the motherboard manual first and foremost
then read the manuals that come with each component if you need it. It’s all easier than putting together flatpack furniture.
The only difficult bit is knowing what hardware will get you the most performance for the amount opf cash you spend.
That’s what i’m here for.
Thnx all for replies.
She needs it for work but also music and moviez. When she’s not around i’ll use it for games. @ : thnx for the tut also…
600 Euro.
If you really want a great computer, and wana know how to put it together has forums which have tons of seperate tutorials, thats where im currently building mine.
Basically building a PC by yourself it won’t save you a lot of money, But it will allow you to choose what part do you want in that PC Trust me on this you’ll have so much Fun when you First power up the computer that you Build Good luck…
Thnx all for replies.
I’ll look around the forum and try to learn a lil more before I make my choice.
@ : thnx for putting parts together but I really don’t have more than 500�.