Bringing computer out of hibernation

August 5th, 2016

Is there any piece of software I can use to schedule a time for when the computer should bring itself out of hibernation mode ?
Answer #1
When your PC starts up. Go into the BIOS settings… there should a Power Managment option. There are settings there for it.
Answer #2
I’m not sure what you’re planning… but from the sounds of it you should also maybe do some research on WLAN (wake on LAN)… may be some use to you.
Answer #3
^if that is the ability to bring a computer out of hibernation using another computer, when both computers are networked together, then yes that is something I’d want to look into. I’ve got two computer connected to the same router/modem, and iiuc it would be a simple thing to create my own network and be able to transfer files between the two computers via the router/modem. Being able to unhibernate my other computer thru keypresses on this computer would rock
btw: I was after a way of scheduling an outofhibernation because I wanted to use my other computer as a tv-recorder: have computer just come out of hibernation when it was recording time, then hibernate once recording had ended. ( using standby instead was not an option since computer fans still blazed during standby, it was only in hibernation that they shut down ). The tvcard did have the ability to unhibernate the computer but when I tried it that was I was having the tv-recording program freeze up, thus I was looking to use a separate piece of software to just do the wake-up computer thing, leaving tvcard to centre on recording. (nearly finished) Turned out this program-freezing might have been due to the prog trying to start the recording before the computer had fully awaken and that by simply delaying the recording (or wakenup sooner) I was able to avoid that error. Thus this is yet another posed problem that turned out not to be a problem at all – but I definately intreged by the unwaking of computer over the network thing – I’ve got the other computer in another room and if I can save myself from walking 10m by being able to unwaken it from here, well that’s something I’d want to have/get.
Answer #4
task scheduler or
Answer #5
I use an app called “Auto Shutdown” to switch off (but also has options to put it in stand by, hibernate, etc.) at a certain time e.g. when I’m downloading something. It also allows you to schedule it to shutdown/hibernate on certain days at a certain time.


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