8gb ram on windows 7 x86 computer

February 4th, 2020

is there a fix so that I can use Windows 7 x86 with 8GB of memory? This OS needs to be 32 bit since some devices being used on it are not compatible with 64 bit.
Answer #1
While Windows 7 x86 supports PAE, Microsoft keeps it under wraps because of licensing restrictions.
But there’s a patch out there called PatchPAE2 which can enable the usage of memory sizes greater than 4GB.
You could follow the below instructions:
Here’s the official download link for PatchPAE2:
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Answer #2
While Windows 7 x86 supports PAE, Microsoft keeps it under wraps because of licensing restrictions.
But there's a patch out there called PatchPAE2 which can enable the usage of memory sizes greater than 4GB.
You could follow the below instructions:
Here's the official download link for PatchPAE2:
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Thanks m8, that’s exactly what I was looking for
Answer #3
Interesting ……………. Nice one and thank you!
Answer #4
You’re welcome, (And you too, Sid ).
Hope the fix works for you.
Answer #5
Interesting to know , cheers .
Answer #6
thank you zedd for a useful bit of information you da man
Answer #7
You're welcome, (And you too, Sid ).
Hope the fix works for you.

Worked great, thanks again
Answer #8
Thank You , just what I need.
Answer #9
nice thaXXX great info
Answer #10
Interesting ................ Nice one and thank you!
Nice one and thank you! <- from me as well
Answer #11
Whoa! That’s a long list of thank yous. You’re welcome, all.
Answer #12
Not sure if this has been said or not yet, but you need to use a 64 bit system with that much RAM.
While a PAE allows your OS to address all the RAM, no individual application will ever be able to address more than a 32 bit space =(
Answer #13
Not sure if this has been said or not yet, but you need to use a 64 bit system with that much RAM.
While a PAE allows your OS to address all the RAM, no individual application will ever be able to address more than a 32 bit space =(

Very few programs require more than 4gbs to operate, especially in everyday use.
Answer #14
Very few programs require more than 4gbs to operate, especially in everyday use.
but 7 or 8 uses ram based on how much is installed
and you can “tell” Pshop how much it can use


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