Laptop Problem

August 6th, 2016

Hello community!
It seems as thought I’m always coming back here with problems. The new problem is that my laptop turns off every now and then usually in the time span of 10-30 minutes after I boot up. It doesn’t shut down normally, it just completely shuts off. The fan of the computer is clean and working and I left it unused for like 3 hours for it to cool off to see if the problem is overheating. Leaving it unused didn’t resolve anything so I don’t know if the problem is the overheating.
The laptop’s battery is dead (because overcharging) and has been so for like a year so it’s always on charge. I was heavily gaming and left some games on idle (TF2 for the new unlocks ) for the last few days so it has been under some heavy use. The laptop is an Acer Travelmate 4230.
Anyone have suggestions as to what the problem may be?

Answer #1
Does it shut off if you have your battery adaptor plugged in?
Could be overheating. Check the CPU temperature while your computer is running. You can probably check it in the bios. Check your laptop’s manual for your CPU’s normal and critical operating temperatures.
Did you clean out the heat sink too? Make sure your cooling vents are not clogged up with dust.
It could also be bad RAM. You can do a memory test with microsoft’s tool:
or this one
It could also be a virus. Scan your computer with your AV.
Answer #2
get everest ultimate to monitor your temps
when the lappy dies duz the charge light stay on ?
Answer #3
try removing the battery and see if that works any better it doesnt matter if its dead if the battery s defective and its pkugged in it will ~ censored ~ up else if you could give more specs on wahts happening and what youre doing when it shuts down it might help alot.


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