Xp installtion problem

January 27th, 2020

I need help i burnt the xp stuff like it says: http://www.google.com?t=302883
I downloaded it and then i burn it. I put it in the cd drive i press any key to boot from cd. But nothing happens it doesn’t work. So i go to the desktop and try do it from there: http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/4513/screenshothp2.png
then click install and then it goes like the windows screen is empty then it goes back to the options screen.
What do i do? Im sick of Ubuntu i want Windows XP back

Answer #1
Is you first boot device in the BIOS set to be your CD/DVD-ROM? If not then set it to be the CD/DVD-ROM that you’re using and boot windows again. Also, check that you burnt the image correctly and that the CD isn’t damaged in any way. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
Answer #3
Tell me if it works mate
Answer #4
i think it may be the cd and the way i bunt. This what i did i opened nero and get the file then go record and then burn image and then open the file. I dont think its the cd probably the way i burnt it. Im gonna go crazy because it took me two or 3 days to download the links as i don’t have a premium.
Answer #5
make sure u burn it as iso…and test it..and also setup yuor dvd-rom as 1 boot device..then rastart pc u shut see press any key now for xp installation to run pc from disk it says..then press any key and do your thing..
maby xp cd not oke download new one and use our own key.
Mery xmas
Answer #6
dont u have a rs account try to ask someone to share it whit u..go to trades topic see for u self .
Answer #7
Open Nero Express and in the menu go to Image, Project, Copy–>Disk Image or saved project (or something along these lines) and select your image. Burn the image at a low speed. Then restart your computer and click on F2. There check you boot priority. Check that your CDROM is the first in the list and if it’s not then set it to be. Then insert the CD into the drive and you should see something along the lines of “Press any key to boot from disk”. I hope you get it mate. Good luck mate ^_^
Edit: Also, I know for a fact that the Windows installation from the topic that you posted works, it has been stickied for a reason
Answer #8
OH lol i didnt burn it as a ISO. My bad. I burn onto cd but not as a ISO. I put it in sayd press any key im pressing it but nothing happens.
Answer #9
Burn it again at a lower speed (x2 or something) and according to the instructions that I gave you. If done correctly then it should successfully boot from the CD. Also, if you have several CD/DVD Drives then try the other ones. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #10
Answer #11
Again, please post back and say if it works
Answer #12
i will do when i have done i. I will pm you in a few days
Answer #13
well mate you may have downloaded a corrupt copy on windows
Downlaod another post and use UltraISO to open the ISO and burn it to a disc then try it againt
that is what i can suggest
BTW download one that has feedback also PM of the members that have posted in there to ask them about thier experience
Answer #14
ok thanks, this is were i downloaded it from:
Answer #15
Well that should be a well tried source..
How is your CD burner..Has it been burning and reading other CDs OK?
The media you are using OK ?..give it a clean before you use it.
Try the CD on another PC to see if it will start up with that maybe..


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