Help access to sever (putty)

February 2nd, 2020

Hey there, i need some help..
I have a dedicated server, and when i try to connect with putty (user name and pass) he tell me access denied. I dont know why, the user and pass are correct. One friend say that i have to active the shell.. but i dont know anyting about this.. My server is on Leaseweb if it help..
Please help me.. sorry for my bad english.

Answer #1
The host gave you the information to access through SSH, correct?
On PuTTy just select an SSH Session, input the IP address of your server and verify that the port used is 22 (the default port).
If this information was given to you by the host’s technical team, you must have all the information needed to access the server. If, after verifying that all the information is correctly inserted on PuTTy you still can’t gain access through SSH, contact them because it must be a problem on the server.
Answer #2
hum.. nop I�m using the user name and pass to access the (SSC) on leaseweb page. i have DirectAdmin control soft, is this the prob?
Edit: If i send mail to support asking 4 ssh they give it?
Answer #3
u have to contact them or also check from the C panel


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