Not able to access plz help !

August 2nd, 2016

since last few weeks, m nt able to access ~ Dead file host ~ ..
I’ve formatted my C drive yestrday….bt still d problm prevails….
I tried “ipconfig /flushdns” bt didn’t work !
However, m able to access it thru proxy like
dunno watz d problm….
plz help….
wat shud I modify in my DNS settings…

Answer #1
You can try running through OpenDNS and using their DNS Servers, but that will unlikely help you out. Most likely your ISP or Rapidshare has blocked your ISP/IP from accessing Rapidshare’s website.
Here’s Rapidshare’s contact email, if you want to contact them and see if they know what’s going on:support@~ Dead file host ~
Most likely your ISP has blocked access though, since you’re able to access it through a proxy.
Answer #2

Is it just me or is Rapidshare down?
Rapidshare is very rarely offline the problem is most likely to be your connection.
Test here Dead file host ~
Try this
https://ssl.~ Dead file host ~
If you continue to have problems inform your ISP.
***UK Users With this Problem***
From Rapidshare Support
The reason for this is a bandwith problem between some internet providers and
our provider (Level 3). Actually ~ Dead file host ~ can't be the only website
that's affected, but maybe it's the best-known one so most customers of those
providers notice the problem when trying to access ~ Dead file host ~.
We assume this is the reason why you have problems accessing our website.
Since in that case we can't do anything on our side to solve the problem,
please write to your internet provider, describing the problems that you have
when accessing ~ Dead file host ~. Our IP address is (this
information might be useful for your provider).
We'd like to point out that we're not blocking any users from our website, nor
is your internet provider blocking RapidShare. It's just a lack of resources
on the way between your provider and our website.
Answer #3
Oh, um, i am sorry to inform you but i think your IP is banned temporarily. I have been similarly banend like that twice, each about 1 hour long but i dont know why yours is banned for more than 1 day


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