XP home cannot connect to internet

August 5th, 2016

I just reformatted my computer because i had a virus which rendered it unsuable
anyway its all installed and I just cannot get the internet to work
any advice, this computer has run the internet before, the ethenet cable is plugged in etc
it just doesnt seem to recognise it
im running XP Home Sp1
thanks in advance

Answer #1
Did you install the motherboard drivers, which should include the ethernet drivers. You also need to set up a local area connection.
Answer #2
I dont think i have the motherboard drivers i will try to download them
how do i set up a local area connection?
Answer #3
If you have a wired connection no need to setup anything…Just make sure the chipset and the network card drives are installed…Maybe the chipset drivers already have the network adapter drivers already included..Just make sure you install the chipset drivers first…
Answer #4
ok i will try that now
Answer #5
i installed the chipset drivers but im still having no luck
i dont seem to have a local area connection
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Answer #6
Go to Device manager and take a screen shot…
Answer #7
i think i have found the problem under other devices it has a ? on ethernet controller
does this mean i am missing a driver for the ethernet port if so do you know where i can find one
sorry if i sound noob
Answer #8
Ethernet Controller is your Network Card. It’s missing the driver. You can get this driver if you go to the website of your motherboard, and search for your type, and then find the Network Card driver. (Sometimes it’s included in Chipset drivers too as mentioned).
Since you’re on the internet now you should be able to get that file.
Answer #9
It means the driver needs installing…
Answer #10
oh ok thanks for all your help guys greatly appreciated
Answer #11
ok i just found out i need
Intel Chipset
and i cannot find it anywhere
any suggestions?
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Answer #12
You can find the Intel Chipset drivers on your motherboard manufacturer website and on Intel website…
Answer #13
just google ur motherboard name and version
then download the chipset from the manufacturer


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