Windows Vista “You need permission to perform this acti

August 5th, 2016

Why am I getting this message when I am the only user on this computer and I have admin permissions?
Answer #1
Is the UAC turned off?
Answer #2
Is the UAC turned off?
Yes, it bugged the ~love~ out of me.
Answer #3
EDIT: I see you already turned UAC off… weird you’re still getting that. Maybe there’s just no way around some acts you perform in Vista?
Answer #4
It's the UAC (user account control) which prevents your computer from being attacked (by opening an .exe mainly) even though you're the only user on your pc. Imo it's designed for people who are stupid (but sometimes you just can't know it) enough to open exe's containing malware.
Here's to deactivate it: Go to control panel and in the search bar you type: UAC. You should be able to deactivate it there.
You can also do this by opening Windows Firewall. You should be able to choose to deactivate it there aswell.

It is already off…
Answer #5
Alright, my bad.
Answer #6
I only want to delete some music files n other stuff I download.
Answer #7
have you taken ownership of the files, and given yourself rights to them?
“As Jesper pointed out, any program that you do not elevate through a
“Windows needs your permission to continue” prompt does not get to use your
group membership into administrators [among other restrictions]; non-elevated
programs, therefore, will not be able to access files in ways that you only
have access to through your group membership as an administrator.
As you found out, changing the permissions on the resource to specifically
grant you access will allow non-administrative programs to access that
resource without prompting; however, it is important to note that this will
signifigantly reduce the effectiveness of the Windows Vista security
mechanisms when applied to system folders, such as program files.”
Answer #8
have you taken ownership of the files, and given yourself rights to them?
"As Jesper pointed out, any program that you do not elevate through a
"Windows needs your permission to continue" prompt does not get to use your
group membership into administrators [among other restrictions]; non-elevated
programs, therefore, will not be able to access files in ways that you only
have access to through your group membership as an administrator.
As you found out, changing the permissions on the resource to specifically
grant you access will allow non-administrative programs to access that
resource without prompting; however, it is important to note that this will
signifigantly reduce the effectiveness of the Windows Vista security
mechanisms when applied to system folders, such as program files."

this makes no sense to me at all… I downloaded a few songs, sometimes I cant delete them… windows sucks.
Answer #9
ok well if you go into safe mode. can you delete them then?


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