Windows Photo Gallery Viewer (Vista)

July 25th, 2016

Hey. So I have a Toshiba laptop with vista on it, and while on my mad uninstalling spree, i deleted the windows photo gallery viewer. And now, I realize it need it :/
I couldn’t find any methods to re-enable or download it. Can I fix this problem, or am I screwed forever?

Answer #1
exactly what files did you delete
is there an error that says can’t find some file ?
Answer #2
I Went to Control Panel -> Programs And Features -> And uninstalled Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
All my images open with I.E 7, so I don’t have any error messages.
Answer #3
^^ that option doesnt even show up on mine
try this–
Right click on the file and select open with , if u find phot gallery viewer , select it
Answer #4
try add/remove programs in XP there’s a “add windows components” option
not sure if vista has it tho
ACDSee is a gr8 image viewer/management app, maybe give that a try
it’s in appz section
Answer #5
Ahha thanks raditz (found it in the open with menu) — Still, I thought i uninstalled some kind of windows picture thing. Oh well


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