Website photo gallery

August 7th, 2016

Hey guys, hoping someone can answer this one…
I’m after the name (or a link!) of the script/whatever its called which is used on this site:
When you click on an image, the photo kinda emerges from the page, the page darkens behind and a caption is displayed beneath. Anyone have any idea what this is called? I want to make my own simple photography site, and this would be perfect!
Thanks in advance, internets for anyone who can help
After doing View –> Source (I should’ve thought of that…) found lightbox.js is linked, which I think is what I’m after. But does anyone know how to get the smooth animations?

Answer #1
You’re right – Lightbox is the thing that makes the images emerge like that.
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. Lightbox is a Plugin for jQuery.
This means you will need to link to the jQuery javascript as well as the lightbox javascript file.
Here’s some of the best jQuery Lightboxes:
Each of them do the same thing (make the image emerge from the page) but they all look different.
Edit: The lightbox that was in your example is this one:
This Lightbox doesn’t use jQuery – instead it uses the Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous Effects Library.
This link shows you how to install it:
Answer #2
Thank you very much mate, I’ll take a look tonight
Answer #3
Thank you very much mate, I'll take a look tonight
No problem, PM me or post in the Programming section if you need help


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