WHY most of the games had been delayed?

February 3rd, 2020

any idea why they’ve delaying the games specially prototype,GTA IV,Lord of the ring conquest and i dunno the others!and i just want to ask about this system specs of GTA IV can it be run on service pack 2 windows XP

Answer #1
Moving ~ .
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Answer #2
well it does say it needs XP SP3. They assume those who play it, run it on legit XP’s so the service pack will have no problems installing. Could be that they want to fix up some security holes, improve gameplay a little etc
Answer #3
i think its because of chrismas, they try and get everyone to know about these game through advertimsment, like parents and so on so they buy it for their kids then. So the closer they have ti to xmas the more chance people buy it for xmas. if they bring it out before hand it may not sell as much as game that come out around xmas time lol. that or their are alot of problems with the game that they are still fixing lol or some other problems.


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