Which Media Type Do You/Should I Download?

January 27th, 2020

I normally go for the standard AVI 700-800mb files.
However i now have my PC hooked up to my TV through a HDMI cable, so wondering whether it would be worth downloading high-def movies, but if so which ones?
i thought MKV’s would be the way to go but they all seem to be 300-400mb and the screens dont look as good quality.
What media extension do you guys use and what would you recommend i use?
Many thanks on any replies

Answer #1
x264 (H.264) in a Mkv container. 720p or 1080p. 1080p is recommended if the movie is rated darn high or you just love it.
Answer #2
I recommend you download bluray rips or Hd rips. But mostly Bluray looks better and way clearer then any other. IF you gfx card can play it with out it skipping or any problems then your good bro. Especially that you have it connected with a HDMI card it should look crisp.


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