Warez on a plane

January 22nd, 2020

I’m moving from Europe to the US in a few months, and want to bring a few hard drives with me. I have a 1TB filled with mostly music and games, and a 2TB with movies and TV shows.
I’m scared of trying to get through US customs with all the computer checks going on. And I’m not sure shipping them would be any better since customs can open packages at the border.
Encryption really isn’t an option, nor is online storage, I just have too much data.
I know the chances of being singled out are pretty slim. But I’ll be traveling with my wife who is immigrating to the US, and with a cat, so I imagine customs might give us extra special attention. I tend to always get my bags checked when I enter the US from Europe…
Any thoughts? Any experience with laptop checks at customs?

Answer #1
you should be good just tell them personal information…where you moving exactly im in the USA?
Answer #2
Unfortunately pleading with them won’t do any good. Most personal rrights are waived at international borders, and customs offers can search whatever electronic devices they like. They can even confiscate them for up to 30 days for deep forensic analysis.
Moving to Colorado.


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