Volume Controls

February 6th, 2020

Hey guys. I’ve got something that I hope you can help me with. I have a usb headset that I use to game and for vent. I also have a good set of speakers set up for my computer as well. I’m just wondering if there is a way to set which programs use which audio device. FOr example, I wanna be able to be using my usb mic for vent, and when I decide that I want to listen to music, I can set it so that it is played through my speakers while vent still uses my usb headset.
Thanks in advance guys!

Answer #1
I see what you mean, using my usb headset i was able to play music which came out of my speakers then plug the headset in once the music is playing and you can then use it for vent. Don’t know if this will work for you but its worth a try.
Answer #2
Yea it does. But its very finicky I find.


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