Vodafone Dongles

December 27th, 2013

Hi, I bought 1 of these for my Girlfriend so we can talk on MSN while ‘we aint together’… but im not sure exactly how they work?
I put £15 Credit on it awhile ago, and she was loading Programs from BBC iPlayer so fair enough that Credit went pretty fast,
but I put another £15 on it earlier today, and she just said she got £5 left even though shes only been Online for about an hour and just on MSN…
she did say it says 2gb on there though but again im not sure how the Dongles work…
is the 2gb usage? so she has £5 credit, and 2gb aswell?
so she hasn’t used £10 in an hour? it’s been changed to 2gb?
or what?
and if the 2gb is ‘usage’ then how long would that usaully last if its just MSN and Facebook being used?

Answer #1
3GB would last an average UK family who doesn’t stream or download files, for a month, according to some sources.
(Would last me about 5 minutes).
BBC iPlayer uses tons of bandwidth. Perhaps she has it set on start-up, and set it to download a series instead of an episode. The files are like 5/600 MB each.
It would be cheaper to get a dongle on contract, rather than PAYG, but if your girlfriend is downloading a fair bit you would end up with excessive usage.


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