View ai files without Adobe

January 29th, 2020

Hi I wonder if it’s possible to view ai files without Adobe. I have several thousand I need to go through and it would be great if I could find a viewer that would let me go through them all without having to load each one as I’m doing now in Coral.
Any help would be great guy.
Merry Christmas to all

Answer #1
irfanview (freebie) does ai files.
Answer #2
irfanview (freebie) does ai files.
I have irfanview and it wont work for me and I see no where that it does ai files. Is there an add on or something? But many thanks for your reply.
Answer #3
Ahh – sorry, I forgot to add – you need to go check his website for the plugin dlls.
Answer #4
Ahh - sorry, I forgot to add - you need to go check his website for the plugin dlls.
I did that but still no joy. I have 29,000 files to sort through thats why I wanted something that with just one click would take me to the next. Not to worry but many thanks for your effort.


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