uploading a 700mb file to rapidshare?

January 26th, 2020

i have a premium rs account but dont know how to upload a 700mb file. can anyone help? for example this is what i want to do http://www.google.com?t=3740654&start=0 thanx in advance
please please please help me out

Answer #1
use the rapiduploader program
Answer #2
do you mean split the file ? or just upload it ? use the program provided by rapidshare
Answer #3
Use RUM, it’s the best (find in programming section sticky)
Answer #4
isn’t the limit is 200mb?? you’ll need to compress to 100mb/200mb..
Answer #5
yes the limit is 200mb a file
Answer #6
you can use hjsplit then split 4parts upload rapidshare ..
Answer #7
the limit is 1/2gb per file if you use an upload program like RUM, its only 200mb if you upload via the website.
Also you need a Rapidshare premium account


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