Upgrading Convertxtodvd nowerrors on installation [SOLVED]

January 25th, 2020

Well I did have a working copy of Convertxtodvd until now. I uninstalled my original and downloaded the newest one. Upon installation I get “moviefile failed; 32” on like every file. It asks to ABORT, RETRY or SKIP. Any suggestions? Thanks everyone. I tried deleting the entire directory before re-installing. Used Reg Mechanic to clean registry already.
Answer #1
Why not use the older version again until a newer version is released.
Which version are you using? Version is known to have this problem.
Answer #2
well i just downloaded the 3.5.1 from here
Answer #3
Have you tried another version?
Answer #4
well I just got it working. Took me 20 minutes but all I did was every time I got that error on a file I hit retry over and over again. Finally it started recognizing the file each time. Appreciate the help though. Thanks people.


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