University blocked port 53, need help to bypass rules.

January 21st, 2020

Hello there,
My university is currently going wild and obsessed with blocking website, almost 90% of website are blocked, including web related to IT, Blog and so forth. I tried to bypass those rules by using google dns, it work well…for a day. The next day, they figure out that trick and decided to close port 53 to block all alternative DNS, and only allowed their filtered dns. I am really appreciate if anyone could suggest alternative way to bypass (except vpn and proxy, way too expensive for me as poor student)..thank you in advanced.

Answer #1
Hacking is not allowed here, so, the only way you could do what you want is either to use a FREE proxy, or TOR..
Answer #2
Hacking is not allowed here, so, the only way you could do what you want is either to use a FREE proxy, or TOR..
Eloquently put r1, however you will probably find them blocked too, so unless you come to some sort of arrangement with the admin (cash or whatever you students do) you are likely ~love~ out of luck
Answer #3
If the university is this aggressive on blocking, any further attempts to bypass their setup may very well result in expulsion Not really worth the risk if you ask me
Answer #4
once they find the breech, they will close the door, especially if word goes around..otherwise it will last for a few days, then the flag is triggered in Admin mail box and then they shut it down.
The same happens to a vpn access, but if just you do it, then it has better chance of staying alive, alot longer, since they see an IP not a site on a hot list..but in the end, you will not win these Admin types, they have all the cards
Answer #5
Bypassing/Unblocking is nothing to do with hacking!
Sorry OP..I haven’t got any answers for you…Just wanted to make that clear..
Answer #6
You can use a proxy with encrypted connection, this should do the trick.
Answer #7
have you tried sites in this category?
Answer #8
You tried a VPN ?
As some others have mentioned, if the System Admin is being so aggressive then is it worth the risk of getting caught (very easy to trace you) and getting expelled – it could ruin your life without a college education.
You could always use your own internet connection eg. tether a mobile with data plan to your lappie, use a mifi device, USB data dongle – then it is not their business as you are not using their network.
I know plenty of System Admins at large Uni’s and Tech colleges, most of them like porn – if you have a good porn stash then use that as a bribe, I’ve got multiple .edu accounts and tons of ftp space on USA Uni servers that they have provided me with, and I’m in the UK, met most of them on porn hacking sites donkeys years ago
Answer #9
If the university is this aggressive on blocking, any further attempts to bypass their setup may very well result in expulsion Not really worth the risk if you ask me
Yeah, being expelled from a uni that blocks it sites is a major disaster…. Get away from that sheepfold OP we have enough sheeple already (I guess I’m spamming and all)!
Answer #10
if they blocked dns you can bet your ass they’ve blocked all vpn ports and don’t even talk about vpn over ssh…
Answer #11
phone-hot-spot may be the best solution.
(if u have a laptop or the desktop isn’t blocked to usb ports.)


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