To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade?

August 17th, 2013

My current system consists of :-
Coolermaster HAF 932
Asus X58 Sabertooth
Core i7 950
24GB 1600Mhz Kingston HyperX memory
2 x Corsair 128GB SSD RAID 0
2 x WD Black 640GB HDD RAID 0
1TB Samsung HDD
What I would like to do is Upgrade to a Core i7 skt 2011 CPU and a X79 Mobo but, is it worth it?
I run virtual machines, play games (mainly BF3 and MW3) and do a fair bit of photo editing.
Would i be better off adding a second GTX570 to the system I already have?

Answer #1
Dude, imo, that rig is fine. Enough to run anything you run at it…Perhaps adding another video card wouldn’t hurt.
Answer #2
At this point your only option is really to go to SBE (LGA2011). But the only need for that is if you need extreme amounts or RAM, or a ~love~ ton of processing power.
IMO, wait for Ivy Bridge, and upgrade then. Same with GPU, if your not getting lag, wait for the 700 series.
Answer #3
Your system is good enough already. But if you wish to always have the best of the best then I too would advice to wait for Ivy Bridge.
Answer #4
Fr33k1e replied: My current system consists of :-
Coolermaster HAF 932
Asus X58 Sabertooth
Core i7 950
24GB 1600Mhz Kingston HyperX memory
2 x Corsair 128GB SSD RAID 0
2 x WD Black 640GB HDD RAID 0
1TB Samsung HDD
What I would like to do is Upgrade to a Core i7 skt 2011 CPU and a X79 Mobo but, is it worth it?
I run virtual machines, play games (mainly BF3 and MW3) and do a fair bit of photo editing.
Would i be better off adding a second GTX570 to the system I already have?

Your rig is awesome. Save your money and wait for Ivy Bridge. Yes I would upgrade the video card if I gaming were that important
Answer #5
BF3 and MW3 does not need a system nearly as powerful.
Upgrading anything will not benefit anyone but the corporations because you should already be hitting over 60fps.


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