Test iPhone SDK

August 1st, 2016

I want to try out the iPhone SDK, see if I want to get a copy and pump out some programs or not. But I have a few questions:
Can I use the SDKs listed on this site to deploy to my phone?
Can I use the SDKs here to run the phone simulator?
Can I program something in the SDK that would require Cydia otherwise, and put it on my device myself, or would I have to make a deb and load it through Cydia?
Is it worth it to download one of the copies from this site, or should I get it directly from Apple?

Answer #1
You can download the SDK from apple. although the apps dont go to app store. PLUS i have read some tutorials to figure out how to export them with out paying for the Dev SDK and nothing has worked. You also need a mac.
and you and everyone else that you want to use your app has to have a jailbroken iPod/Phone
Answer #2
You can download the SDK from apple. although the apps dont go to app store. Cool, and I was aware of the second point. 🙁
PLUS i have read some tutorials to figure out how to export them with out paying for the Dev SDK and nothing has worked. Hmmm…. That kind of sucks.
You also need a mac. I run Windows 7, Arch Linux and Snow Leopard on one computer. No problems here with OS incompatibility.
and you and everyone else that you want to use your app has to have a jailbroken iPod/Phone A non-jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch is worthless in my eyes. I can’t find my way around without SBSettings at the very least, if not Music Controls and Backgrounder. And everyone I know is jailbroken, either already, or because they know me.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll grab it and play with it.


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