Tablet – something….

August 4th, 2016

So basically, after the announcement of the IPad, I kind of started wondering if it would be capable of doing everything I would like it to. This being said, I was hoping someone can pin point me to a device that has those capabilities already.
What do I want?
A book reader, that can allow me to take notes. This idea would be for my college classes, where I could just write down notes on my tablet, and then have ebooks and such, on there already. Thx in advance!

Answer #1
Your choices are a Tablet PC, PDA or UMPC , PDA = 2.5 – 3.5″ UMPC = 3.5-7″ and Tablet PC 7-14″
The last two have full desktop processors and can run Windows 7 so ultimatly it comes down to what size device your looking for.
My recommendation would be the HTC Shift x9500 which combines the best parts of all three (including an ARM motherboard so it can make phone calls send sms etc) they can be picked up online for 500-800 bucks


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