Strange Graphic lines occur in games!

February 7th, 2020

Hi guys recently about 3 month ago i upgraded my graphic card to Ge Force 8600,the problem comes here when i play a very graphical game like Tomb raider:underworld,crimes of war,assassins creed hitman blood money strange graphic lines comes.Look At this :
The first one is my problem but the second one is a pic related to my problem

Answer #1
so your tellin me i upgraded your video card? kiddin,i know it was a typo if you overclocked the card then you should underclock it
back to its original speeds,if thats not the case then i’d say
its overheating or its ram chips gone bad,use the warranty and have it replaced
another possibility (but not likely IMO) is a bad driver
get the latest one
Answer #2
How can i underclock ?
Answer #3
judging from your reply , you can just
ignore that suggestion as you defintly didnt overclock the card,that the vibe
im gettin
Answer #4
so whats my problem here?
Answer #5
the card itself,overheating or its ram chips gone bad,just have it replaced
Answer #6
the ram chips are brand you and the graphic card too,i upgraded them at the same day
Answer #7
you are gettin confused,i was not refering to the general computer ram (on the motherboard),i was refering to the video card ram chips (they have ram too )
Answer #8
oh thats a thing i learned today BTW can the video card got out with a damage?i hope the shop will replace it for me
i bought it like 3 months ago
Answer #9
i doubt it , , generally speaking a store will always replace a product
thats still under warranty,unless theres physical damage
Answer #10
Yea i know the store will replace it if it stills under warranty,omg i have to check my warranty when it expires…


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