Spilled water on external HD – SOLVED

August 8th, 2016

Hi guys,
I spilled water on my WD Ultral Metal Edition HD 2TB. A cup was knocked over and spilled allover the table where the HD was. I disconnected it and dried off the external part. It wasn’t wet long, maybe 10-20 seconds. I was wondering, what should I do? Should I connect it to the computer or should I wait 3-4 days? Or put it in a bag of rice? Or is my HD gone for good? Thanks in advance guys!

Answer #1
If it was powered on at the time and water got in the possibility that it have died is high. Put it in a bag of rice and prey if it has important data on it.
Answer #2
Comment removed, I also apologise, alcohol and the internet are a bad mix.
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Answer #3
@OP: Has the internal HDD gotten any wet?
If it was powered on at the time and water got in the possibility that it have died is high. Put it in a bag of rice and prey if it has important data on it.
Answer #4
Hard drives come sealed from the factory.
Answer #5
It’s been long enough. Plug it in and see if it still works.
Answer #6
You should be able to prise or unscrew the case apart (probably just held together with plastic clips inside) and then dry the circuit board and everything you can get too.
Some tissues and a warm hairdryer would do.
As mentioned, the drives themselves are pretty well sealed. so leave that alone..
Answer #7
I put the HD in a bowl of rice overnight, and it appears to have worked! Thanks again for your help everyone!


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