Some websites not working, firefox

February 8th, 2020

Ebay, Youtube, Facebook to name a few.
These are not working. I’m connected via a router. Been working fine for a year now, no problems.
Using Firefox 3.0.3
Any solutions??

Answer #1
Have had kinda the same problem.. But I couldent connect to most of the sites out there.. Firefox kept bugging up.. Need help with that aswell
Answer #2
Same. I can only connect to a few sites. I can’t connect to the same sites with IE.
Answer #3
I’ve always wanted to turn the hat on the FireFox fan boys as they always say get FireFox in every browser related question..
Get Opera xD
And as the FireFox fanboys do, I shall leave with no advice what so ever..
*Au RevoiR*
Answer #4
No only jokin =P Seriously sounds like a connection problem with your router or firewall if you can’t connect with FireFox or I.E. Reset your router and turn off your firewall and see if you can connect then. Can you connect to MSN and such ok?
It may be worth using a third browser to check it isn’t a problem with both browsers, unlikely but you never know


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