[Solved]Speaker problems

August 13th, 2013

Hi, a good friend of mines is having issues with his speakers, so I’m gonna post it on here and help him out.
Anyways copied and pasted:
Lol what’s up guys?
Alright lets get to the point, I have a Logitech X-530 5.1 surround sound speakers set up for my computer. Ok here’s the problem, after about 3 months of not using it, now I’m having issues with my rear/back(whatever you like you to call it) left speaker. I tested it out on both Windows 7 and 8 to eliminate the possibility of it being a driver problem (which I doubt since they used to work just fine). If you’re wondering, yes I did configure it as 5.1 speaker on windows and for all my programs (CCCP, FFDshow, LAV, etc) and I also checked the plugs and cleaned them, they are all fine. There is a possibility that the speaker died out on me but I have no idea how to test it on a multi-meter. Anyways any helpful suggestion will help out.
Please don’t give me stupid answers, like saying not all audio are in 5.1, etc etc, No kidding I know that already, I’m using a 5.1 audio source to test out my speakers.
I don’t know if this will help or not, but my motherboard is http://www.gigabyte.com.au/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3103

Answer #1
He doesn’t need 5.1 source to test the speaker, any old sound will do as long as it’s going surround.
Has he tried a new cable to the speaker ? Tried swapping the left rear with right rear ? ie. is it the speaker, or the port on the mobo/soundcard ?
Using a multimeter prob won’t tell him anything, as bad things that happen to speakers are mechanical not electrical. You can attach a PP3 (9v) battery very briefly and see if it moves the speaker cone.
Answer #2
According to the motherboard specs the back panel connectors have:
6 x audio jacks (Center/Subwoofer Speaker Out/Rear Speaker Out/Side Speaker Out/Line In/Line Out/Microphone)
One could simultaneously test both, the on-board audio and the speakers in question, by alternating their corresponding output connections.
For example, disconnect the rear speaker that’s not working from the rear speaker output and connect it to side speaker output that is working.
Answer #3
Thanks for the help anyway, apparently my friend he fixed it by himself by:
I managed to fix it, turns out there was some electrical problem with the ports and plug. What I used to clean it was something similar to this product here http://www.amazon.com/CRC-05110-Mass-Sensor-Cleaner/dp/B000J19XSA works really well (works good on my RX8 MAF as well). All you had to do was get some cotton spray this stuff on it and clean the plugs, then afterwards clean the port then spray some of this into the port then to the pins of the plug. Wait about 5 minutes for it soak in and then replug in the cables. Afterwards it should work =)
I should add, the ports and plugs behind the subwoofer.


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