(Solved)pretty sure I can’t – or can I?

August 2nd, 2016

so, I’ve just brought an iPad mini 16GB with cellular. obviously it’s running a sim card, EE to be precise. can I make phone calls from it or is it just for the Internet and texting?
Answer #1
You’d have to use a voip app. Its the only way to do it.
Answer #2
*googles voip*
what is it? so say if I did use a voip app, I can make phones calls and text people? or is that like Skype?
Answer #3
Its like using skype. You can make call or text people using wifi or your data.
Getting one with supported data/3g/4g/lte/sim mean you can use a sim card and add data to it. It will not work like a phone. Thats why I always get an wifi version which is cheaper and use my S4 to tether the internet
Answer #4
wait, I don’t get it.
my iPad has cellular, can’t I just straight phone and text people? why do I need a “voip” app? the sim card I have is 4G. is there any “free” voip apps because I googled and there all paid. so say, I go down the shop, put �5 on my sim card, I can’t make calls or texts without this “voip” ? that just kills the whole point.
Answer #5
From my own limited understanding, cant you just donwload skype, connect ot eh net via sim and run the skype app?
Answer #6
yeah, but I’ll need skype credit to make a phone call, no? I will have “credit/money” on the sim, I thought I could just phone and text anyway without a voip app or Skype.
Answer #7
Cellular mean you can use sim and signal. A call phone does what a cell phone supposed to do…. and you hold an tablet. Tablet does different things to. It wont make call or text unless you use voip. Should have research before buying one As for the free one. I personally like to use google voice and tango. Viber is another option.
If you want straight talk and text then use google voice and Talkatone.
Answer #8
so, I've just brought an iPad mini 16GB with cellular After what you posted in RCV I now assume you’re just a very confused person
Answer #9
okay, think I’m understanding it.
if, If I use Skype, I can add credit so I can call/text people, right? I can add it VIA my credit card and not use my “credit/money” on my sim card, right? I get the iMessage, I can text people who’s got an Apple product and I will have whatsapp and BBM too. say if I needed to use the “Internet” and a wireless isn’t in range, how would I go about that? having “credit/money” on my sim card and I can browse the Internet, right?
I’m new to the iPad and cellular, ha. sorry for the noob questions.
so, I've just brought an iPad mini 16GB with cellular After what you posted in RCV I now assume you're just a very confused person
I can neither confirm nor deny.
Answer #10
What you mean you have credit.money on sim card? Is this like a prepaid plan? If you want to use wifi (free) thats not in range then you can either add the data plan to your sim or tether from your phone (which question why buy an wifi unit just to tether)
as for Skype. I dont use them so but I think they take your credit card no? Try signing up and see.
Answer #11
like, in the UK, if you’ve got a phone and you want to “call/text” someone, you go to the shop and top up your phone, adding “credit/money” to your sim card then you’re free to text/call/use the Internet. saying that, using the Internet, you get like 1GB of data to use for the month. I have Skype already, had it a while. would I need Skype credit to text/call someone or does it go through my sim card?
that’s where I’m a little lost.
Answer #12
Thats prepaid plan here xD which sucks for a tablet I guess because your not using all of the plan.
You need skype credit to text or call. You can get the credit from using an credit card. Skype dont touch your sim card. A tablet will only use wifi/data from your provider. Nothing else.
Answer #13
okay, so if I wanna call/text someone, I need something like Skype or a voip account, right? the sim card I’ll be using is basically just for an Internet connection and messaging, right? think I got it now. once I get it, I’ll have a look and see if I can get a decent free (UK, if you know any, PM me!) voip account.
guess that’s the only thing I can do.
Answer #14
I’d be cautious about using this as a solution to replace your phone because you will quickly encounter one of several bottlenecks. a)financial
Skype is a feasible solution but you will have to pay on top of your current contract. Either in credit or with one of their monthly subscriptions. (link below if you are interested).
Also, your data is a limiting factor. Calling from your tablet to a mobile phone or landline will use up about 60mb per hour. Over the course of a month this could quickly add up.
Having used skype like that before I can vouch for the fact that it works, but that it is incredibly akward. People are often overwhelmed getting texts from a skype account and they won’t be able to text back making it bit of a monologue. Also, again you have to pay extra to get a “number” for people to call you on your skype account.
Also, where do you live in the UK? (you don’t have to answer this ) I just know that I would not whip a tablet out here in London to make a phone call or text. Its just asking for a mugging!
EDIT Forgot the links
Skype rates:
Data usage
Answer #15
First thing you need to do is sign up for Google Voice if it is available where you are. Then use talkatone or GV phone. Doing it this way gets you voice and text for free. Only thing it will use is your data.
Answer #16
Ew go away you mac lover
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Answer #17
wait, I don't get it.
my iPad has cellular, can't I just straight phone and text people? why do I need a "voip" app? the sim card I have is 4G. is there any "free" voip apps because I googled and there all paid. so say, I go down the shop, put �5 on my sim card, I can't make calls or texts without this "voip" ? that just kills the whole point.

That only give you mobile 3G/4G data, not calls and text like a phone. Its an iPad, not an iPhone.
Answer #18
No you can’t make normal phone calls, the sim cards are just for internet data that you use if you are not close to a suitable wifi network..
The sim card is sort of like a usb dongle that you can plug into a laptop for wireless broadband…..You pay money, you get credit..
Answer #19
Well, you guys are wrong. I got a free app where I can make phone calls and texts, it has give me a number where people can phone or text me. I get free “credit” by watching videos and installing apps and its free, it’s awesome. Anyway, thanks.
Answer #20
Yes but it’s just another VOIP, Skype type service..
But if it does the trick, then well and good!


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