[SOLVED]Please help me, I am scared :cry:

August 6th, 2016

Today i was visiting a local university web site and wanted to download a pdf. Then i saw it was a simple url like www.uni.ac.com/upload/file.pdf. I shortened the ulr and got into the upload folder. it was not secured, i could upload files, delete files accidentally i deleted the all files there. Now when i visited the university home page, i coudnt download some application forms. They had been in that folder and i had deleted them.
After much searching i managed to find copies of pdf files and i re-uploaded them. But i cant find 3 files that ive deleted. I was not hacking. They were just visible and i could delete them. But i know it was wrong to delete them.
Now is this crime or hacking? Can they accuse me for this? Im using an ISP whos giving dynamic IPs. Will they be able to find me?
Please? Is this crime? I ve thought of giving the university an anonymous call and tell what ive done. Is that okay?
ps: it was not a ftp folder, but some CMS software like thing, do they record ips , i mean could it have recoreded my ip when i deleted those files? i think its Joomla there are usin

Answer #1
Yes, it is a crime. The punishment for which is a beheading.
Okay, maybe not.
You will be fine, even if they find you. Although I’m not sure how you can ‘accidentally’ delete all the files
Answer #2
Don’t worry about it. No big deal…
Answer #3
You will be fine, even if they find you. Although I'm not sure how you can 'accidentally' delete all the files
yes, it was not an accident, but i just didnt know that i was really deleting from there disk :S, it was not ftp, but a fancy interface. I realized what i had done only when i revisited the site and tried to download the files.
Im not worried about beheading hehe, but im going to study in that same university.
Answer #4
Well he should be woried it is a crime. But then again, it is an university folder and maybe they would forgive you. If they find you.
But dynamic IP i do not think they can find, if you just turned off your modem and then after couple of seconds turn it on again, to change IP adress , you should be just fine.
But as says, no big deal, relax and enjoy the life.
Enjoy the new year celebration, and have fun with family and friends.
All the best, good luck, ad happy new year..
Answer #5
Happy New Year to you all
btw Dynamic IPs can be traced, can be traced, ISP s keep logs about which user used which IP address and when theyve used them
Answer #6
Its no biggie. It was an honest mistake. You dint do it on purpose. And with a dynamic IP, you should be fairly safe.
They’ll sort out the problem. If you’re going to worry about it, you’ll just worry yourself sick.
Cheer up, mate.
Answer #7
Your education is no more sir.
Answer #8
Thank you all. Happy New Year
I think this is enough, sorry for this, could soemone please close this thread..
Answer #9
eat a big meal & say your last prayers…
they are coming to get you now.
life as you know it is over.
plan your graduation ceremonies in jail, with orange jumpsuit. delete more files & it will be graduation by execution.
Answer #10
Don’t worry. Its there headache. They are the responsible for this because they didn’t have proper protection. You have help them by showing that to them. So be proud of yourself. Cheer up.
Answer #11
They have backups of stuff so not to worry about files being lost, but if you really worry you should of sent their IT an email. You should of been like i went to site to download your form and accidentally deleted them. Its better to be honest about things and you expose loop hole on their system might land you a job in their IT lolz
Answer #12
hehe, no more worries, i see they have just re-uploaded the missing stuff. They might have been more worried than me, about their jobs lol
thnks ev1, and a happy new year too
Answer #13
hehe, no more worries, i see they have just re-uploaded the missing stuff. They might have been more worried than me, about their jobs lol
thnks ev1, and a happy new year too

next time, calm down.. don’t panic..


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