[Solved]Is it true?

June 8th, 2017

Is it true that you poop yourself when you die? I’ve heard rumours and know of someone who pooped themselves whilst very scared.
Answer #1
It’s not impossible, if that’s what you’re asking.. People on the electric chair wear diaper..
Didn’t know helpdesk section was used for questions like this..
Answer #2
Why would you worry? Your answer is here: http://www.google.com/search?q=defication+during+death
This is a good explanation:
Answer #3
It is never impossible, since some body functions can have some spasm attacks after you die, but I’m guessing it’s pretty rare, although, like said, people that went on the electric chair wear diapers, but I think this was more usefull before the switch was turned of, cause you can imagine it is very scary if you know you are going to die by a giant surge of elektricity
Answer #4
Thanks for the quick response. Just watched an episode of southpark and people crapped themselves when they dies. Thats what got the ball rolling.
So it is possible apparently but not in every case. Your muscles relax when u die and i guess whatever is in you has gotta come out eventualy.
Case closed.
Answer #5

kidd wrote: Select all

It is never impossible, since some body functions can have some spasm attacks after you die, but I’m guessing it’s pretty rare, although, like said, people that went on the electric chair wear diapers, but I think this was more usefull before the switch was turned of, cause you can imagine it is very scary if you know you are going to die by a giant surge of elektricityNo, when you are electroshocked you have no control over your body, your muscles contract and you get all spastic moments, where you ~love~ yourself.
Answer #6

kidd wrote: Select all

It is never impossible, since some body functions can have some spasm attacks after you die, but I'm guessing it's pretty rare, although, like said, people that went on the electric chair wear diapers, but I think this was more usefull before the switch was turned of, cause you can imagine it is very scary if you know you are going to die by a giant surge of elektricityNo, when you are electroshocked you have no control over your body, your muscles contract and you get all spastic moments, where you ~love~ yourself.
Yeah, but I think there are people that also did this before they got shocked cause they where terified
Answer #7

kidd wrote: Select all

kidd wrote: Select all

It is never impossible, since some body functions can have some spasm attacks after you die, but I'm guessing it's pretty rare, although, like said, people that went on the electric chair wear diapers, but I think this was more usefull before the switch was turned of, cause you can imagine it is very scary if you know you are going to die by a giant surge of elektricityNo, when you are electroshocked you have no control over your body, your muscles contract and you get all spastic moments, where you ~love~ yourself.
Yeah, but I think there are people that also did this before they got shocked cause they where terifiedYeah, that’s true, but the same can happen on a lollercoaster
Answer #8
Enough of this poop talk, its bring down the reputation of this site! We all gotta go sometime lol
Answer #9

kidd wrote: Select all

kidd wrote: Select all

It is never impossible, since some body functions can have some spasm attacks after you die, but I'm guessing it's pretty rare, although, like said, people that went on the electric chair wear diapers, but I think this was more usefull before the switch was turned of, cause you can imagine it is very scary if you know you are going to die by a giant surge of elektricityNo, when you are electroshocked you have no control over your body, your muscles contract and you get all spastic moments, where you ~love~ yourself.
Yeah, but I think there are people that also did this before they got shocked cause they where terifiedYeah, that’s true, but the same can happen on a lollercoaster
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