[solved]How to cite a picture, and an english question.

August 3rd, 2016

Hello everyone! My teacher sent me notes on harvard style citation.
http://~ Dead file host ~/b75zq1izehzc
But how do I cite a picture? Do I look under the internet resources column?
There is no author, thus no title and year.
Thus I only have URL and access date. What else do I have to add in?
For example: I only can come up with
Motor diagrams Available from: http://www.optms.net/China_DC_motor.html
[Accessed 7 February 2013]

My teacher told me in class that it is wrong and I forgot to ask him what. What else is required?
And for the english question, can someone help me check if there are any errors, grammer, structure etc for the following.

Intelligent Automated Food Court was designed to improve the lives of people who frequently dine in food courts. With all these automated and efficient systems put into place, many problems will be resolved. The problems which are eradicated by IAFC includes long queuing times, manual waitressing, trouble finding an unoccupied table, crowd congestion and the inefficient cleaning system. To conclude, the team behind this innovation believe that IAFC will bring about great changes in the way people dine in food courts.

If its not very concluding/convincing, can someone help me with writing another one?
Thanks for any input!

Answer #1
Intelligent Automated Food Court improves the food court dining experience by reducing queuing times, manual waitressing (not sure what this even it), assisting diners with finding a table, reducing congestion and improving the cleaning system.
Your conclusion has superfluous content that takes away the punch it should have.
As for citing a picture – there is no standard. So long as your citation has sufficient information to give credit to the source and all the reader to verify it, it should be ok.
Answer #2
Thanks ! Any ideas how to write it? I’m not so good in writing
Answer #3
The conclusion? My suggestion is already there
The only thing I can’t help with is the “manual waitressing” – no idea of what this might be other than encouraging diners to clear their own tables.
Answer #4
I have written papers that include pictures of portraits and I cite them like this:
Elizabeth & The Three Goddesses, 1569 by Joris Hoefnagel or Hans Eworth, Royal Collection, London If little or no information is available, I cite it like this:
Elizabeth I, 1565-1570, Artist Unknown, Present Whereabouts Unknown
I tried to download your PDF but that so called Citation.pdf you uploaded is is actually adware/crapware that installs a huge bunch of crap on your PC. Good thing I installed it on VMWare.
I don’t want any of that ~love~, I just want the PDF, so can you upload only the PDF please, thank you very much.

Answer #5
try this
Did you and your team do this for a theses? IAFC?
Not sure how you can write it unless I read the whole thesis. But I put together a couple of sentences that might be useful??
I also uploaded a few journal articles. Look at their conclusion and use some of their vocabulary.
In this work, we designed an IAFC system that would improve the lives of people who frequently dine in food courts. In order to maximize efficiency and possibly eradicate problems such as long queuing times, manual waitressing, trouble finding an unoccupied table, crowd congestion and the inefficient cleaning system we proposed a system that ...... .

In this work, we have considered state estimation over a longhaul
sensor network. To meet the stringent requirements on
accuracy and timeliness, while accounting for severe data latency
and loss inherent over long-haul links that exert a negative impact
on fusion performance, we have proposed an information metric
(PRODIC) and a modified application of the RTS retrodiction
algorithm, so that the fusion center can make its online decisions
to efficiently fuse the information contributed by the remote
sensors. Simulation results have validated the advantages of our
design under variable transmission delays and loss rates

We have characterized the improvement in the SBS
threshold for a 20 km fiber span consisting of three pairs of
alternating fiber types separated by isolators as compared to a
single fiber link. Using the backscatter approach, the measured
SBS threshold is 14 dBm which is 6 dB higher than for a
20km LEAF link. The use of isolators in the link provides the
most improvement in the maximum power transferred to the
output. More importantly, by making use of the fact that the
SBS-generated intensity noise is not broadband, we have
found the system to be shot-noise-limited for frequencies from
1-8 GHz for input powers as high as 16 dBm. A 1 GHz analog
signal at an input power of 16 dBm is transmitted over the
fiber span without any additional noise measured. Finally, the
linearity of the signal is verified using a two-tone
measurement and the OIP3 agrees quite closely with the
theoretical prediction. The link gain, RF noise figure and
SFDR improve by 8.1 dB, 4.1 dB and 2.8 dB, respectively,
when compared to the 20 km LEAF link. These results
demonstrate the use of this fiber design in order to transmit
signals in the 1-8 GHz range with 4 dB more optical power at
the output while remaining shot-noise-limited. The higher
photocurrents at the end of the fiber span results in the
improved RF metrics when compared to the shot-noise limited
RF metrics for the 20 km LEAF link.

if you need more send me a private message
Answer #6
Sry for the trouble you went through ,
Here’s how you download from BU:
Sry for my bad painting skills.
PMed both of you
Answer #7
Why is it so big? lol!!!
Answer #8
Nononono! The picture is just for instructional purposes,
The word document is only 5 mb
Answer #9
Yeah, what a load of spamming mongrels is that Billion Uploads site !!
Not only do you have to avoid a downloader you don’t want, but about a 1000 frigin toolbars as well.
I couldn’t see ant motor diagrams on that site ,BTW, only a pix of a couple of motors..
Answer #10
Billion Uploads are trying to be slick, one can hardly notice that checkbox next to “Download file easily with Billion Uploads download manager” to trick you into installing all their adware crap. Thank You for pointing that out to me.
That Harvard style citation guide is a very useful reference.
Answer #11
Submitted my work today! Thanks everyone for helping


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