[Solved] Error message when Vista boots

August 1st, 2016

I hope somebody can help me out here.
Yesterday the power failed while I was using my laptop without its battery.
I can still dual boot into Ubuntu / Vista, but when I enter windows, this message appears:
hdav properties
type: application
origin: S-1-5-21-2879372410-7379672622-431079115-6017
size: 0 bytes
eliminated : todays date
leaving me with the options: ok, cancel, restore.
I have tried all 3 options, but the message keeps appearing. The computer seems otherwise fine.
Any suggestions?
thank you for your time

Answer #1
The problem must be about a program in your Laptop!It must be ruined somehow!U could need to format!
Answer #2
format is NOT the answer to every lil problem
this error is defintly related to some program as said,run msconfig
and try to find it on the startup tab
Answer #3
run “eventvwr.msc” and see if there’s any errors/clues in your event log
and looking for HDAV under msconfig/startup tab is a good idea
also try safe mode “last good” or a system restore from before the crash
Answer #4
Thanks for the feedback all!
I found the origin under the startup tab using msconfig. The startup item is called “avp” by an unknown manufacturer and seems to be at the c:\recycler\S-1-5-21-2879372410-7379672622-431079115-6017
I unchecked it for startup and its now rebooting without any error message!
Thanks again!


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