Slow loading for 50Mb connection

August 8th, 2013

hello warez. i just formated the PC coz i thought the problem was in my pc but i dont know
i have a 50Mb internet connection. 60 Ping. and the pages takes about 5-8 seconds to load. whats the problem.. the download rate goes about 5000 kb/s
my specs are :
os : windows 7 x86
ram : 2x2GB ddr3
cpu : intel pentium dual cpu e2180 2.00Ghz
hdd : 2x 500 GB 32MB cache
so where is the problem.. in speed test goes about 50-60Mb
any help Please.

Answer #1
IMO, your ping is high for the connection you have. This could be a problem with your connection which your ISP is the only one who can solve it. You should give them a call.
Answer #2
but 3 weeks ago with this ping i was surfing the internet wery fast. i mean anypage doesn’t requires more than 1 sec….
Answer #3
Are you using any particular antivirus or firewall?
The recent versions of Avast and Avira seems to slow down the connection a bit. Try disabling their web protection and give it a go again.
Answer #4
That ping is slow for that connection.
What country are you in, and ISP, and what site are you pinging.
Perhaps posting a tracert to the site you are pinging would help. (leave out your own IP when posting it).
It does sound like a problem your ISP would be more suitable to ask for help.


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