Slow External

August 3rd, 2016

Allright I’m running on a windows 7 operating system with a Asus G74S laptop
What can cause a external(2,5″ 5400rpm) 1tb USB 3.0 WD my passport to go slow as hell?
I plug it , I need to wait like 5min to it recognize properly and even then , windows tell me there’s something wrong , it try to do a chkdsk but each time it hang…
I transfert stuff and it goes at like.. 100k/s ..even 15k/s
There’s currently 740gb (930gb total) of stuff on it and I can’t backup it anywhere
The drive is not mine , it’s my cousin I think he disconnected one time while watching something on is WDTV
The MBR seem ok Could it be the MFT that is fcked? (Even if I can see/access the file on the drive , it’s just really slow)
I tried doing a scan with HDD regenerator , but the prescan alone took about 1h20 for scanning 120mb of the drive (it would took me about 1 years to scan everything at that rate…
The drive doesn’t seem to make any clicking noise I also tried scanning it with TestDisk for MFT repair , but it seem stuck and go nowhere..
Scan with HD Senti [S.M.A.R.T test] (everything is green except for that yellow flag), I got this :
Current Pending Sector Count,
Threshold = 0,
Value = 200,
Worst= 200,
Status= OK (Always passing),
Data= 000000000029,
Offset= 0,
Enable = Enabled
Attribut Comments = Count of unstable sectors . These pending sectors may be remapped to the spare area

Could this be my problem? How I simply remapped the sectors without loosing data of course (well at least everything… I understand if the bad sector are part of the files , I might loose a couple)?
Most of the disk is full with dvd iso , quite large files.
Sorry for the long post , but I try to add most of the information that might help you understand my problem.
Edit : could it be a cable problem that cause all this? Even a normal scan in Hdd senti would take me 3386 hrs , that’s not normal , right?
(10min later it went down to 2885hrs @ 0.15mb/s) I just hope the scan speed improve over time..
Edit2 : looking at the hex of the hard drive I see that in sector 0
lid partition ta
ble.Error loadin
g operating syst
em.Missing opera
ting system…..
But it’s a external harddrive , I guess it don’t need a operating system?

Answer #1
Try it in a rear USB port of a desktop, if you can…Because some USB ports lack enough power to run an external drive properly.
I presume it was working OK for your cousin.
Answer #2
Well is WD tv couldn’t read the hard drive anymore… I run a chkdsk /F/X

Replacing bad clusters in logfile.
CHKDSK was unable to adjust the size of the log file.
Adding 40 bad clusters to the Bad Clusters File.
Insufficient disk space to fix the bad clusters file.

now i’m running /F/X/R It’s taking a longer time … well see where it took us.
The fact that she unplugged it while the hard drive was access by the WD TV , I guess it corrupted something , that’s why the drive is so slow…
Or it might be the cable(I ordered a new one to test)
I’ll try another usb port (even if the port I plugged in is a 3.0 port.) when the chkdsk is finish
Thanks for your input , hharrgg… I do hope I can fix that drive , it’s driving me crazy
Answer #3
if you can remove the drive from it’s enclosure and connect it internally it may be easier to work with
you might even try a USB2 port, as USB3 requires a driver and that creates another layer to access it in 7
Answer #4
Taking the drive out is not a option , since it’s not my drive I don’t want to take the risk to broke something (if if was mine I would probably give it a go)
chkdsk is still running , it took about 5hrs to go from chunk 129 to 143 of (3568) I plan to let it go until it finish. My guess it’s that it will go faster pass 500/900 files , since when I run a quick scan with Defraggler it show me it have about 955 files in the first 10th block , so I guess the scan take longer to complete in the beginning .
But I’m really suspecting the cable to be faulty.. because the read access time seem to be abnormally slow (we talking in k/s here..)
When the scan finish I will surely try it in a usb2 port.
But it’s weird since I have a usb3 64gb flash drive that perfectly work fine , I guess a hard drive and flash drive might work differently in accessing the port?
Edit : well that’s just great , a freaking update reboot my computer by itself during the chkdsk , gonna start all over again , using a usb 2.0 port , still take huge time to recognize the drive


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