Seed server

August 5th, 2016

Hi everybody!
My problem is this: i have an ftp account to a torrent seed server /torrentflux is installed on it/, and i want to use to upload the files from ftp to a lot of file sharing sites, but i have a big problem:
the can’t connect to the file. What should i do? The fxp is enabled on the ftp server. /and i’m sure can upload from ftp because it worked well with some public ftps/. What should i enable on the ftp server for

Answer #1
Have you not tried to read their FAQ’s ??
As an alternative you could use, which offers a similar service.
Answer #2
Tinyload don’t support remote upload. Yes, i have read the FAQ… but the question was this: what should i enable on an ftp server, to support remote upload? Because youmirror and other ftp remote upload services can’t transfer files from my ftp. /And the faq can’t give an answer to this…/


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