Can’t Seed on Torrents

August 1st, 2016

I have enabled UpNP (or whatever) mapping so it port forwards automatically. I can download just fine with great speeds and I even upload while I download. But as soon as I finish downloading my uploads just stop. Sometimes for a little while it’ll upload at liike 5 kb/s but then it just stops. I’ve used Utorrent and it gives me 0(200 peers) which means I’m not conneceted to any of them. With Azureus it doesn’t even have any peers. It just says 0(0). The only firewall I have is Nod32, so could that conflict with anything?
Answer #1
Its possible that your ISP is blocking your torrent uploads. Try enabling encryption within uTorrent. To do so, go to Options –> Preferences –> Bit Torrent. At the bottom of the right page, change the dropdown box to “Forced” and check the “Allow incoming legacy connections” box. Restart your uTorrent, and possibly your router and see if it improves.
Answer #2
Options –> Preferences. Follow the following settings
Answer #3
Tried them, didn’t work
Answer #4
Maybe you have UPnP disabled in Windows, some people recommend to disable it, gibson (grc) has a tool to disable/enable it. Or maybe you don’t have UPnP enabled on your router or it might not support it but that is unlikely for any recent router.
Check the Logger tab in uTorrent, it used to say whether UPnP was enabled and working in mine, but I cannot see that in my current version (1.7.5) for some reason.
Answer #5
Try use this setting, uncheck ‘enable UPnP Port mapping’
It makes no sense if you ISP only block your torrent upload.
plz post some of your setting of you torrent client, e.g. upload slot etc. it’d be better if you post a few pics.
Answer #6

alex8 wrote: Select all

Try use this setting, uncheck ‘enable UPnP Port mapping’
It makes no sense if you ISP only block your torrent upload.
plz post some of your setting of you torrent client, e.g. upload slot etc. it’d be better if you post a few pics.
UPnP Port Mapping is required, without it no one will be able to connect to him.
Without that enabled and working he will have to forward the port manually. That means the port will always be open even when he is not using Torrents which is a bit of a security risk. I used to do manual port forwarding myself at one time, but it is far too much trouble. I now just use UPnP as it does it automatically when I open uTorrent.
His ISP should not be blocking his torrent uploads. If he has protocol encryption enabled and selects a random port to use it would be difficult to block his Torrent uploads. Not impossible but difficult.
It sounds like he just does not have it set up correctly. Peers can connect to him while he is downloading, means the port on his router is open while downloading (when you initiate a connection to other peers) but cannot afterwards. It sounds like he does not have a port on his router open which means either he has not manually port forwarded or UPnP is not working correctly. Try going into Windows components/add remove programs and on networking services enable UPnP User Interface. Reboot and see if windoze finds your router.
Answer #7
Thanks for the reply it was helpful, but I’m using Vista and I can’t find an option to enable UpNP mapping anywhere?
If it helps when I log onto my router ip I see utorrent has UpNP mapping enabled
Answer #8
I am not familiar with Vista, I will not use it.
UPnP mapping is in uTorrent in preferences–>connection. That needs to be ticked.
I would suggest you forget UPnP for the time being and to find out where the problem lies, manually forward your router ports so that your router can be excluded as the source of the blocking.
You have Nod32 which could be contributing to the problem, so at least excluding UPnP and your router eliminates the most important items as the troublesome parts.
So check and manually port forward for your router.
Then start a Torrent and see what happens. Check that your downloading/uploading okay.
If that all works fine the at least we know that your ISP is not to blame, your router is functioning correctly and nod32 is not interfering.
Then it would have to be your UPnP options. UPnP is okay but does add a part that can go wrong. It is nice to have ports only open when required.
So try that and see how it goes.
Answer #9
Have you tried setting any DMZ? Is your router firewall enabled? You can see if your ports are blocked here:
Check that the ports that uTorrent uses are in fact open.
Answer #10
Thanks for the replies. The ports are apparently not open.
I’ll manually do it and report back alter.
Well I did port forward. Went on the website and says the port is open, but the download speeds are the same and I still don’t upload.
Answer #11
You would be better off using the inbuilt check in uTorrent to see if the port is open. Go to the options–>Speed guide and check using that.
What port are you trying to use?
Have you made certain that protocol encryption is enabled as alex8 showed to try to prevent any messing with your ISP?
Answer #12
I can download just fine with great speeds and I even upload while I download. I've used Utorrent and it gives me 0(200 peers) which means I'm not conneceted to any of them. With Azureus it doesn't even have any peers. It just says 0(0).
I'm using Vista and I can't find an option to enable UpNP mapping anywhere

Most people know that Vista and WinXp SP2 are not good for torrent. You said the torrent had good speed but don’t have peers (I think you mean sometimes) If you have good speed in downloading, you should not have problem in uploading too. just you set the client wrong.
Also, set ‘Numbers of upload slots per torrent’ to 3 or 4 if you’re in torrent.
Answer #13

alex8 wrote: Select all

I can download just fine with great speeds and I even upload while I download. I've used Utorrent and it gives me 0(200 peers) which means I'm not conneceted to any of them. With Azureus it doesn't even have any peers. It just says 0(0).
I'm using Vista and I can't find an option to enable UpNP mapping anywhere

Most people know that Vista and WinXp SP2 are not good for torrent. You said the torrent had good speed but don’t have peers (I think you mean sometimes) If you have good speed in downloading, you should not have problem in uploading too. just you set the client wrong.
Also, set ‘Numbers of upload slots per torrent’ to 3 or 4 if you’re in torrent.
SP2 is fine for any serious Torrent user. The max half open connections can be increased by a simple patch. I have had that set from when I first installed SP2.
Vista is new and all the problems are still being worked out on it. It is yet another micro$haft “Beta” OS. Really he should not be using Vista, many have tried it and gone back to XP, many will not use it (including myself) due to it’s problems and limitations.
But I don’t think what he is experiencing is due to a half open connections limitation.
It is very possible to download and not be able to upload. I have got that situation when I did not forward ports. I could download at quite decent speeds but upload was only a couple of KB/s. When downloading the router makes a connection to another PC and that allows data in but when uploading other PC’s need to make a connection to your PC which if the port is not open they cannot.
Answer #14
You seed when you complete the download.