Release Sites
January 20th, 2020
EDIT:I am looking for a release site (like orlydb) which also has rating filters (imdb or rottantomatoes ratings) for movies. I am NOT looking for a movie database.
There is metacritic that will display the reviews.
There is metacritic that will display the reviews.
I need a site where I can see scene releases with ratings, imdb itself would do for just ratings.
try metacritic or rottentomatoes
Ok I guess I couldn’t exactly express what I am looking for. I am looking for a release site (like orlydb) which also has rating filters (imdb or rottantomatoes ratings) for movies. I am NOT looking for a movie database. Neither metacritic or rottentomatoes list scene () releases.
There is a possibility to use an userscript with those sites. If you browse the userscript gallery of some sites you will find a script that will check for you the ratings. You need to edit that script to use orlydb and it should works.
There is a possibility to use an userscript with those sites. If you browse the userscript gallery of some sites you will find a script that will check for you the ratings. You need to edit that script to use orlydb and it should works.
Haven’t found a working userscript and don’t have neither time nor desire to edit/rewrite one.