Questions concerning world of warcraft…

August 3rd, 2016

Around a year ago I quit playing WoW. That was during the Burning Crusade. Now, I am looking to get back into playing it again, but would like to try out wrath of the lich king without buying it. Can I download it for free anywhere and just buy an account to play if I want to? or do I need a legitimate version. in laymans: If I download wrath of the lich king from WBB, willl I be able to purchase an account and play on legitimate servers? Thanks
Answer #1
hi there.
i had never tried wow and thought i would give it a go recently,so i was in the same boat as you not knowing what to do.
so heres what you have to do.
download the lich king.
install and then install all the latest patches.
change a line of text on the realmlist file
in detail-
i downloaded the lich king from here(you only need wrath of the lich king not the first two games)
download all the patches from that page also and take note of the link for more patches.
install game and patches
if you dont install patches the game will do it as soon as you try to play and it will take a while so i thought it was best to download and install myself.
after you are all up to date you can play using a private server-
find server- i use
just register with them and the settings for the realmlist change are on that page.
enjoy and any further questions give me a shout
Answer #2
Thanks man that was a great help =)
I was also wondering though if I could play on legitimate servers with that same download if need be?
EDIT: nevermind. just did a bit of reading and turns out you have to “activate” each expansion on your account to play legit. guess im stuck on cracked servers for awhile =)
Answer #3
You can activate a trail for WoTLK and play free for a week or so =)


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