In world of warcraft i’m hunter 47 and have no glyphs!

April 4th, 2014

i have harbalysm and alchemy( and first aid)
heard that auction house has but everything is in gold !! all i have is 80
and 5 low level ones don’t worth it!
how else to get?
i’m human…
if i will unlearn alchemy and learn inscript ,that is not so important to me, it will surely help? because i’ll lose 160 levels of alchemy!! and how many time then to get glyphs?
thanks a lot!!
1.what best way to level up fast for me ?
2.if i bump up gfx it needs a lot more of the internet connection (more Mbit per second ?)

Answer #1
dvirdvir replied: heard that auction house has but everything is in gold !! all i have is 80 and 5 low level ones don't worth it!
how else to get?

Go buy gold. You can spend 6 hours farming gold, or go work at a real job for 1 hour and buy 6hours worth of farming gold.
dvirdvir replied: if i will unlearn alchemy and learn inscript ,that is not so important to me, it will surely help? because i'll lose 160 levels of alchemy!! and how many time then to get glyphs?
You get glyphs unlocked at at different levels. Open your glyphs window and mouse over the glyph socket to see what level it unlocks or if it is already unlocked.
If you have any questions about wow, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Answer #2
thanks but i still have QUESTIONS un-answered up there…
Answer #3
dvirdvir replied: thanks but i still have QUESTIONS un-answered up there...
Sorry, you must have edited the post after I replied or I didn’t see it.
dvirdvir replied: 1.what best way to level up fast for me ?
As a hunter, you go BM until lvl 49 (if you are 47, you might as well start getting use to MM now).
At level 49 you change to MM because you get Rapid Recuperation.
You will use Rapid Recuperation with Rapid Killing (very beginning of tree)
and you basically go back to full focus by the time you acquire another target and start to unload.
dvirdvir replied: 2.if i bump up gfx it needs a lot more of the internet connection
These two things are unrelated, better graphics card equals more FPS and higher quality graphics.
dvirdvir replied: (more Mbit per second ?)
Mbit per second is bandwidth,
which has nothing to do with the speed of your connection. Only way to improve your network is by getting a faster (lower latency) connection. Adding more bandwidth will not help at all.


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