Question about TV shows?

July 26th, 2016

How does Tv shows get uploaded to the internet? How does someone get a TV show that just aired like an hour ago? I’m very curious. I know how movies get rips and upload to internet but how do people rip TV shows?
Answer #1
Simple really, connect your Sky or Tivo box to a TV card on your PC and record shows to your hard drive.
Answer #2
TV card? is that the card to watch tv on your computer?
Answer #3
TV card? is that the card to watch tv on your computer?
yes it is
Answer #4
HD box or whatever + PVR + record on your PC with any PVR software which encodes directly to xvid or whatever, then upload.
Answer #5

Your graphics card may already have this option without the need for an extra TV card.
Or if you have no spare PCI slots you can buy USB TV tuners.
Failing all that you could just use a HDD to record directly from the Sky or Tivo box and copy the files to your computer, it’s really simple stuff.
Then just convert / compress the files and upload them.
Answer #6
Many different ways.
First of all you need to cap a show. The best and easiet way is to use a PDTV source. Once you have capped the show use something like VideoReDo to edit out ad’s. Once done, encode it and the upload.
Most scene groups use a process of segmenting.

NOsegmenT wrote: Select all

segmenting is whereby you record a tv show and —
— press stop when the adbreak comes on, then encode that, whilst its encoding you press record —
— to record the next part of the tv show after the commercial break, once the encode for the —
— 1st part is done you upload it to an ftp even when the show is still airing and do this for —
— each segment of the show then run a script to merge the .avi’s together into 1. This often —
— results in shows going out of sync after commercial breaks, which happens quite often. Also —
— you have to predict how long each section of the show will be e.g 9mins for segment 1, 13mins —
— for segment 2 and then choose a filesize e.g 70mb for section 1 and 104mb for section 2. You —
— need to know the length beforehand in order to choose the correct filesize, otherwise you may —
— have some sections with 650 bitrate and others with 1050 which is uneven and ruins caps. Shows —
— aren’t always the same length each week and 1-off shows are impossible to predict.
Answer #7
Many different ways.
First of all you need to cap a show. The best and easiet way is to use a PDTV source. Once you have capped the show use something like VideoReDo to edit out ad's. Once done, encode it and the upload.

This is a great bit of freeware for editing out commercials from an Mpeg..
and keeps the audio in sync…
Answer #8
they also use a dvr dvd player with hard drive something like this Pioneer DVD Players & Recorders
price of it is $389.99
i have one myself and it works great
Answer #9
Many different ways.
First of all you need to cap a show. The best and easiet way is to use a PDTV source. Once you have capped the show use something like VideoReDo to edit out ad's. Once done, encode it and the upload.
Most scene groups use a process of segmenting.

NOsegmenT wrote: Select all

segmenting is whereby you record a tv show and --
-- press stop when the adbreak comes on, then encode that, whilst its encoding you press record --
-- to record the next part of the tv show after the commercial break, once the encode for the --
-- 1st part is done you upload it to an ftp even when the show is still airing and do this for --
-- each segment of the show then run a script to merge the .avi's together into 1. This often --
-- results in shows going out of sync after commercial breaks, which happens quite often. Also --
-- you have to predict how long each section of the show will be e.g 9mins for segment 1, 13mins --
-- for segment 2 and then choose a filesize e.g 70mb for section 1 and 104mb for section 2. You --
-- need to know the length beforehand in order to choose the correct filesize, otherwise you may --
-- have some sections with 650 bitrate and others with 1050 which is uneven and ruins caps. Shows --
-- aren't always the same length each week and 1-off shows are impossible to predict.

good to know this…now i understand why i get some out of syncs in my re-encodes after the commercials…
Answer #10
Moving to Helpdesk.
Answer #11
How does someone get a TV show that just aired like an hour ago?
don’t forget about the time zone difference. i can download a show that was ripped on the east coast as it airs on the west coast.
Answer #12
A question about Tivo, how do you use the USB ports on it? I tried plugging a USB stick in it the other day and I couldn’t find how to open it?