PS3 games…Assasin`s Creed

January 26th, 2020

I dont know anything about PS3’s. But I want to gett his game for a gift..
My question. Can I burn it to DVD and will it work on a PS3?
Any help would be great.
(I also need a link to the PS3 version of the game if you happen to have one)

Answer #1
in short …NO
Answer #2
ya no backup games work on ps3
Answer #3
No therz no way to play burnt games
Donno which link u want , but here are 2 , one u can buy from, other for more info
Assassin’s Creed
http://~ Disallowed Protected Link ~/2hbnpf
Answer #4
OK guys thanks.
BTW..Is it possible to play PS2 games on a PS3?
Answer #5
only 60 Gb has backward compatibility and u can only play authentic one’s
Answer #6

Raditz wrote: Select all

only 60 Gb has backward compatibility and u can only play authentic one’s
Answer #7
60gb is the older version of the ps3 which can play ps2 games aswell..
the 40gb is new and was released for the holiday season, so i guess that if u have had ur ps3 for about, 3 or more months its a 60gb (im just guessing(
Answer #8
^^^OK, thank you for the info.