Protection Issue

August 6th, 2016

Recently someone tried to hack my gmail account and changed my password and recovery options but now I now manage to recover my gmail account from my mobile verification he’s also change my other sites account through my gmail account and add his on mobile number to verify so how this would happened and in future how can I secure my online accounts and other data after some research I found his IP address and Location here is details please suggest me good protections thanks
here is hackers details he’s from india:
Waiting for your response

Answer #1
how can I secure my online accounts
You could start by doing a clean OS reinstall (And by clean I mean formatting the C partition of course!)
There’s a strong possibility that your OS is still infected with spyware, So I highly recommend you do this!
Also, Re-change your passwords/security questions from a Linux Live CD or another PC.
Apart from that, There are a number of ways to keep your passwords safe:
1. Switch to a Linux OS – This option isn’t for everyone, But it does offer a significant advantage
in terms of spyware protection (Windows spyware can’t run on Linux!)
2. Always use passwords that are NOT easy to guess and are fairly long (And avoid using personal information as passwords, I.E do not use your phone number or SSN)
3. This one is very important – NEVER use the same password for multiple accounts!
This would just be a security nightmare.
4. Use the master password feature in your browser (Available in Firefox & Opera) or alternatively, Use a password manager such as keepass or roboform (Either way, It would make it much more difficult to steal your passwords!)
5. If you use any IM (Instant Messaging) apps, Do NOT store (save) your password/s.
6. Common sense – Avoid downloading apps/games from public torrent trackers (I.E Thepiratebay/Demonoid)
Also, When downloading these from forums, Go with topics that have a lot of replies or are made by a VIP member (As it’d be less likely to be infected, But there are no guarantees of course!)
Also, If someone sends you a file via email or IM (That you didn’t ask for) DO NOT open it.
And if you just get into some website and out of nowhere, It prompts you for a file download – Don’t do it!
7. Do keep in mind that while you can have some degree of control over your own computer security, You can’t have any when using someone else’s! So AVOID logging into any of your accounts from a computer that isn’t yours (Friends/Work/Internet cafe) 8. If possible, Don’t let anyone else use your computer!
9. Use a good antivirus & firewall, I recommend Antivir & Comodo.
AND DO NOT be impulsive with the decision making when one of em asks you what to do with a particular file!
I found his IP address and Location here is details
You can’t do much with these really. IP’s are registered to ISPs and not individuals (And ISPs generally won’t hand over subscriber information without a court order!) and his email address isn’t very useful either (Unless you wanna contact him, Which would be quite pointless!)
and other data
Well, You could use encryption, But it won’t prevent hackers from getting your data really!
Encryption can’t protect you from keyloggers, And clearly, If your PC is hacked, The hacker would
have access to the file system too!
Answer #2
@ thanks for valuable information I will reinstall my OS again and reset all passwords.
well now I also got hackers mobile number from google security Image
Answer #3
Oh yeah, I forgot about that!
Anyways, Judging from the info above & Some googling, It’s very evident that you & the hacker are
from different countries (+91 = India / +92 = Pakistan) so legally, There’s not much you can do about it.
You could file a complaint by email to his ISP’s abuse department, But who knows if they’d act on it!
Apart from that, You have no practical reason to give him a call.
Answer #4
Oh yeah, I forgot about that!
Anyways, Judging from the info above & Some googling, It's very evident that you & the hacker are
from different countries (+91 = India / +92 = Pakistan) so legally, There's not much you can do about it.
You could file a complaint by email to his ISP's abuse department, But who knows if they'd act on it!
Apart from that, You have no practical reason to give him a call.

hmm you’re right! Online law is not strong and online criminal goes out of limits because the tracking system lacks thats why hacker’s hack many sites and steal data or bank accounts I think now time comes to take action against them.
Answer #5
i would give him a call and tell him you know who is is and not to ~ censored ~ around hacking anymore.


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