Problem installing Battlefield 3 Beta

December 26th, 2013

I am trying to install the game in Origin… I have downloaded it , it is in the C:\Program files\Origin games\Battlefield 3 Beta\ and when i log on to Origin it says “Ready for install” , i press it , it changes to “installing” and after 1 second it goes back to “Ready for install”. I searched for bad characters like “Béta” that people suggest is the problem , but i found none , my crucial folder is named “….Beta”. When i try to run the game from bf3.exe it says the game does not appear to be installed, please install it or try relaunching”.
I bet many people have the same problem. We are looking for a solution here.

Answer #1
there is a helpdesk thread for this….
Answer #2
Its honestly not worth it.
Even if it was a good game (which it isnt, just a repeat of last year, and before, and before), surely it is best to wait to the non-beta?
This ~love~ is not worth the hassle.
I dont think people should be allowed to upload beta, demos, or uncracked games. I
Answer #3
You could check your registry, maybe there’s something causing the problem. In my opinion, it’s not worth it. I’ve downloaded the game and played it. You can only play one map, and it’s still full of bugs, therefore Beta.
Just let this one go and wait for the Retail. Also, that Origin stuff is like a cancer, seriously.
Answer #4
I also searched my registry for the word Beta with the weird character, got a result (it was a key called {0} with description simply “Beta” with the weird character) , i changed it but still no results…
About the game now , i want to test it to see if my hardware is capable of playing the game at a decent rate , so i can decide whether to preorder or not. As far as the game critiques i respect even the haters’ opinion but i happen to like the old battlefield games , as well as Bad Company 2.
My system specs are :
Core2duo e6750 @ 3.2 GHZ
Nvidia 8800gt 512mb
4gb ram
winXP 32
Answer #5
Firstly, you are posting in the wrong forum section.
Secondly, for god sake get 64 bit OS. You are wasting like a gig if u got 4 gb ram
And finally – do not expect miracles with hardware from freaking 2007.
Answer #6
Firstly if it is the wrong section the mods are those who will notify me or delete the thread.Guess who is not!
Secondly i do not expect miracles, i hope tha game to be playable like BC2 was.
Finally neither of these points you made has anything to do with the actual problem so, unless you have anything productive to add, maybe you should go and play pacman HD with your high end system captain useless.
Finall…..ier give the guys a simple thanks since you leech your ass off.Member since 2010 with 30 posts.
Answer #7
Move this to the help desk section please, and no I don’t have anything productive to add other than this is in the wrong forum
Answer #8
yes please move it, those guys can’t relax until you do
Answer #9
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3 Open Beta
make that folder and copy over the files, or just dl again from orgins.
did you rename it or something?
Answer #10
origin creates the folder C:\Program files\Origin games\Battlefield 3 Beta\
if i rename it to Battlefield 3 Open Beta and go into origin it asks me to download the game again.And if i do so it creates the folder Battlefield 3 Beta again and so on.
could it be a problem that the folder is read-only? i uncheck it, press ok but when i retunr to properties its back on.
Answer #11
try reinstalling orgins to another location. C:\ D:\games etc
my orgins bf3 folder was automatically named “Battlefield 3 Open Beta” , just copied over files i dl off here. worked fine
if reinstall fails, just chat with EA support. they might know whats wrong.
Answer #12
ronson49 replied: Its honestly not worth it.
Even if it was a good game (which it isnt, just a repeat of last year, and before, and before), surely it is best to wait to the non-beta?
This ~love~ is not worth the hassle.
I dont think people should be allowed to upload beta, demos, or uncracked games. I

This game is the ~love~, unfortunately they only let you play Operation Metro. You can also get into the Caspian Border map, which is incredible btw, if you search around for the server password. Stop being such a sourpuss COD fanboy, talk about ~love~ games..COD takes the cake in that category.
Answer #13
After installing the program
Neptda load limit of the game
Mihaml 1%
Then stop the download of the program
Of course, loaded with game Hencon
Huntkhaddl here
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Battlefield 3 Beta
Ntda files Btaat game
And we are working to replace the files tolerant
Files to Htdaha
Then close the program and re-batch
And then get back to load the program
Personal statement currently Bicolk terracing of the game
Running game and play the old you
Answer #14
hassan191058 replied: After installing the program
Neptda load limit of the game
Mihaml 1%
Then stop the download of the program
Of course, loaded with game Hencon
Huntkhaddl here
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Battlefield 3 Beta
Ntda files Btaat game
And we are working to replace the files tolerant
Files to Htdaha
Then close the program and re-batch
And then get back to load the program
Personal statement currently Bicolk terracing of the game
Running game and play the old you

why am i so confused by this?
when did so many words change in english?
google translate by any chance?
Answer #15
Answer #16
I am an Arab
Answer #17
hassan191058 replied: After installing the program
Neptda load limit of the game
Mihaml 1%
Then stop the download of the program
Of course, loaded with game Hencon
Huntkhaddl here
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Battlefield 3 Beta
Ntda files Btaat game
And we are working to replace the files tolerant
Files to Htdaha
Then close the program and re-batch
And then get back to load the program
Personal statement currently Bicolk terracing of the game
Running game and play the old you

anyone that can translate that text?
hassan we dont understand.Write in english
Answer #18
head on over the the orign forums there is a few posts on this, dont forget it is a beta
Answer #19
Ker91 replied: head on over the the orign forums there is a few posts on this, dont forget it is a beta
The game itself might be in beta… But it should be a pretty easy task to make a working installer for big corps like Dice and EA.
And yes… I got the same problem. Was the plan to preorder the game after I tried the beta (Pretty sure I was gonna like it)… I’m not so sure anymore. i’m not gonna pay 50$ for a game that might or might not install.


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