Possiby stupid questions. about C++ and Domains

January 22nd, 2020

Okay i want to know a couple of good tutorials to start learning C++. How can I get a free .com domain. Is it possible? Or a .org .net anything i just want a website that not *************.tripod.com or freewebs.com/******
*~*~*150th Post*~*~*

Answer #1
Some video tutorials for download, hope it helps
Answer #2
OK this first thread has a .pdf for download that looks like it explains algorithms and data structures. An algorithm is the way in which you go about solving a particular problem. I only know c# as a language, but I could help you with your algorithm in any language. If you are wanting to learn to program, I think Algorithm’s are a vital first step, no matter what language your watning to learn
And im actually finding it difficult to find a good beginning programming C++ ebook. Im not to sure why.
Anyways, good luck, maybe someone else can find C++ stuff for you
Answer #3
c++ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
free domain
Answer #4

free domain

Okay i went to that link and got http://www.fanku.net/webmail/base/default/lang/EN/login.aspAsking for a login. which i dont have and there is not a registration link anywhere.


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