open files with .z01 extensions (MAC)
February 4th, 2020
I have a .zip, .z01, .z02 and .z03
Ive tried quite a few different apps (unrarX, Split & Concat) none work,
heeelp please!
File extension Z01 description:
WinZip, the original and most popular compression utility for Windows, is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that quickly zips and unzips your files to conserve disk space and greatly reduce e-mail transmission time. The new WinZip offers powerful new compression technology that creates even smaller Zip files. And the new Explorer-style view makes working with complex, multi-folder Zip files a snap
WinZip Pro includes the WinZip Job Wizard, a powerful tool that offers predefined data backup jobs, the ability to customize and schedule zipping tasks, and FTP-upload functionality. And with WinZip Pro, you can zip and burn directly on CDs/DVDs! Mime type: application/zip
Mime type: application/x-compressed
Mime type: application/x-zip-compressed
Mime type: Mime: multipart/x-zip
apparently u can open them with winzip…………..
is there a winzip for mac? I’ll check.
apparently WinZip is built into macs, right click and click Uncompress.
hope that wroks for yah.
I have the same problem, but there is no “uncompress” with right click…so any other idea?