Online Storage [best solution]

January 20th, 2020

I’m wondering what the better solutions for online storage might be. I’ve been searching but I know others may be more knowledgeable considering the diversity here.
Due to current financial situation, I’m seeking free storage and without worry of deleted files after xxx days of no download. thanks for the feedback
[Storage Solutions List as of 08.12.2014]
[File size limit: 50gb][Files Deleted: 60 days of file inactivity][Storage: Unlimited]
[File size limit: 250mb][Files Deleted: Never][Storage: 10 GB]
[File size limit: 2gb][Files Deleted: Never (on confirmed accounts)][Storage: 50gb]
[File size limit: 1gb][Files Deleted: 90 days of account inactivity][Storage: 100gb]
[File size limit: 500mb][Files Deleted: Never][Storage: 50gb]
[File size limit: 200mb][Files Deleted: always available][Storage: 10gb]
[File size limit: Unlimited][Files Deleted: ?][Storage: 50gb]
[File size limit: 2gb][Files Deleted: 180 days account inactivity][Storage: 15gb]
Google Drive []
[File size limit: ][Files Deleted:][Storage: 15gb]
SkyDrive or OneDrive []
~others~ = 2gb storage
SpiderOak: 2GB = 5gb storage
Google Drive
... more added later

Amazon Glacier = $0.01 per GB

Answer #1
This might be tossed into the official file host discussion. But here is an almost free host you are looking for.
1fichier. Sign up as a free user. Extend for 1 year at $9.99 USD. I have not had one file deleted from no activity and I keep 2 files of everything.
1fichier is based in France. My ftp and uploads are always at max speeds. 100GB/month for hot links/direct links.
“Free, never delete”, don’t know of any options, sorry
edit: 1fichier is unlimited storage
Answer #2
If you mean backup-type storage, perhaps something from Amazon might be more what you’re looking for. Glacier will store your files for pretty cheap! It’s not free, but if you’re looking for large amounts of space it’s pretty good.
Answer #3
Box imho.
Answer #4
thanks for the replies and feedback… Back up and storage of files is my goal.
@… I considered tossing this in host discussion but considering I’m after suggestions and don’t have a host to discuss, i left it solo.
Answer #5
i inquired about the same mater(free never delete file hosts with large storage limit and large uploading size) several months ago. here’s the result from back then- —— storage limit 50gb — never delete file —————————— upload file size limit 2GB —– storage limit 100gb – delete file if account is inactive 90 days – upload file size limit 1GB — storage limit 50gb — never delete file —————————– upload file size limit 500mb — storage limit 50gb — not fixed ————————————— upload file size limit 200MB —– storage limit 50gb ——————————————————- upload file size unlimited
i stored some files in 1 year ago) and in months ago), and they’re still intact.
Answer #6
That’s some good info to work with mehedi. Thanks
Answer #7
What about clouds?
Google Drive for ex.
Answer #8
Google Drive offers 15gb. Others offer around the same or lower. I can’t validate all of them but the lower storage capacity doesn’t work for me. I also don’t feel comfortable storing files with larger firms like google, microsoft and amazon.
For now I’m trying
I’m only uploading podcasts for now.


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