
January 25th, 2020

Hi, I recently bought a new pc which came with windows vista and while playing oblivion I noticed that self reflections don’t work in the water or on windows (like on houses) anymore. I’m able to run the game at max settings with a resolution of 1440 X 900. So I contacted bethesda and got the “We do not formally support Vista as Oblivion is not a Games for Windows title.” So I was wondering if anyone knew a way I could enable the self reflections thing other then in game which I already have enabled.. or if anyone might know of this bug.. any help would be greatly appreciated..
My pc specs are
AMD phenom quad core (4cpus) ~2.2ghz rated at 5.6 ghz
3 gigs
video card = nvidia geforce 8800 gts 512 with 1779 mb of memory

Answer #1
Seems an obvious solution but if the game wasn’t released for vista, which I dont think that was, have you looked for a vista patch, or maybe just running the updates might solve it.
Answer #2
Seems an obvious solution but if the game wasn't released for vista, which I dont think that was, have you looked for a vista patch, or maybe just running the updates might solve it.
Yeah I’ve updated everything and I searched for solutions before posting this so this is my last hope. I mean its not really that big of a deal I guess, I just really liked the reflections and its kind of annoying that since I’ve upgraded my pc the visual quality has degraded. I just thought maybe someone might know a way to tweak the ini file or something.
Answer #3
Another obvious thing, in options can’t you turn reflections off and on?
I’m just spit balling here.
Answer #4
Another obvious thing, in options can't you turn reflections off and on?
I'm just spit balling here.

Yeah, but that only effects the reflections that work. I have it on but the only reflections that work are mountains an stuff.
Answer #5
I finally found out how in the .ini file just in case anybody wants to know. You open the ini file and search for water.. and it will say waterreflections or something to that effect. You just put it from 0 to 1.


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