Nvidia surround?

August 7th, 2013

Im Neal Drake and im getting a gaming pc this february i watched surround gameplay on youtube and i liked it .
so is surround really wortth it . where can i get patch for games with nvidia surround. Also does games come default with nvidia surround resolution.
If im getting surround i will get 3 24” 3d monitors otherwise i will get a single 27” 3d monitor what is better a single 27” monitor or 3 24” monitor.
Are there any issues with nvidia surround like frequent crashing, driver issues etc..

Answer #1
you need to do more research on Nvidia video card and 3 monitors. you will need 2 cards.
what video card are you getting, you need to start with your card, or 2 cards in your case
go to
Answer #2
EDIT:sorry about wrong post
Answer #3
I have heared of nvidia keplar releasing by Q1 so im holding out for it
if it didnt release i may get some other graphic card in 500 series either in sli or tri sli or maybe quad sli
Answer #4
your gonna need some good GPU’s for 3X24″ 3D monitors.


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